T h e  C o s p l a y  P r o j e c t

Jeanette Louise Malay as The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas
Jeanette Louise Malay as The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas Jeanette Louise Malay as The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas
Jeanette Louise Malay as The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas Jeanette Louise Malay as The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas

The Cosplay Project is a new series of images which explores the world of fantasy cosplay. Drawing on ancient Japanese and Chinese myth, mixed up with techno futurism, cosplay fans create new personae for themselves as fantasy characters. The aim of this project is to create a series of portraits of cosplay fans in character located in everyday settings and familiar spaces.

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Photographs by David Sinden: all rights reserved 2017