T u r n e r H o u s e P h o t o R e n g a 2 0 2 4


The Turner House PhotoRenga 2024
read from right to left

On 6th April 2024 we were delighted to be invited back with a group of artists and photographers to Turner House in Penarth to create a series of new PhotoRenga. Inga, Sylwia and Camilla joined Kate and David to create PhotoRenga for Spring 2024.

PhotoRenga are visual poems inspired by an ancient form of Japanese poetry, renga, in which sequences of short haiku verses construct complex and profound poems.  The beauty of the PhotoRenga idea is that anyone with a digital camera can take part in the workshops we run, and work together to create beautiful, new artworks.  

Everyone takes photographs and chooses one to pass on to someone else in the group.  You then use that image as the starting point for your next picture, and so on... Chains of images form visual poems or PhotoRenga.  There are no fixed starting points, and the PhotoRenga can go in any direction the groups chose. You can also see the 2023 Turner House PhotoRenga.

If you are interested in taking part in future PhotoRenga please email Kate and David at photorenga@gmail.com

Special thanks of course go to the staff at the Turner House Gallery who made us all feel so welcome and who keep this purpose-built Victorian gallery space going with a vibrant programme of exhibitions and events.


 Photographs by David Sinden, Kate Woodward and the artists: all rights reserved 2024